What Is The Process For Getting Dental Implants?

If you have a missing tooth, you might want to replace it with a dental implant. Implants look and function like natural teeth, and don't require filing down adjacent teeth in order to fit crowns for a dental bridge. Here is the process for getting a dental implant so you can become more familiar with it before the procedure. X-Rays and Prep Work The first step in the dental implant process is to go through the prep stage.

Have You Really Been Flossing? How Your Dentist Can Tell

You are most likely aware of how brushing is a key part to maintaining great oral health and dental hygiene. A step that you may be avoiding, or simply decide not to do, is flossing. Flossing is just as important as brushing, because it helps get rid of the stubborn food particles and plaque found between your teeth in places that your toothbrush can't reach. Flossing right before your dental appointment will not make up for 6 months of neglect.

Preparing Your Child For Their First Dentist Visit

Taking your child to the dentist for the first time is a new experience for both you and him. Preparing him for this visit in advance will likely make the whole experience go more smoothly. The recommended age for visiting the dentist is when your child's teeth have all poked through. This is roughly around one year of age, according to WebMD. It is important to make visiting the dentist a positive one, as this will be the beginning of many more years of dental care in the future.

FAQs about Baby Tooth Discoloration

The sight of discolored baby teeth can be an early warning sign that your child has an underlying dental issue or is in danger of developing one. Once you spot the discoloration, it is important that your child's teeth are examined by a dentist. Here is what you need to know about the condition. Q. What Is Causing the Discoloration? A. Discoloration can be the result of several factors, including poor dental hygiene.

What Is The Laser Whitening Process?

When it comes to whitening your teeth by your dentist, the two main options are tray whitening and laser whitening. Many people are choosing the new laser whitening system due to its many benefits. Here are some things to know about this teeth whitening option to help you decide if it is a good option for you. How is it performed? Laser whitening is a quick process often done within your lunch break.