3 Health Conditions That May Cause Abnormal Oral Bleeding

If you will be needing the professional expertise of a full teeth replacement services dentist to improve your smile with a full set of dental implants, you will probably sail right through the procedure.

It is important to note, however, that certain medical conditions can lead to abnormal oral bleeding, both during and after your procedure, so it is important to talk to the dental staff about your pre-existing health conditions. Here are three medical conditions that may lead to abnormal bleeding during and after your implant surgery and what you can do about them:


If you have a condition known as thrombocytopenia, you may be at risk for abnormal bleeding from your dental implant sites. This is because this blood disorder causes a low thrombocyte count, and when thrombocytes levels are too low, your blood may not effectively clot. In addition to abnormal oral bleeding, thrombocytopenia can cause nosebleeds, blood in your urine or stool, and excessive bruising.

If you have thrombocytopenia, or another bleeding disorder, tell your dentist so that he or she can monitor you more closely during and after your dental implant procedure. Also, if you do have a blood-clotting disorder, talk to your dentist about stopping aspirin before your procedure, because aspirin can also raise your risk unusual bleeding.

Chronic Sinus Infections

If you have a chronic sinus infection, you may also have post nasal drip. The constant dripping of bacteria-laden mucus down your throat can make contact with your gums. This can lead to an inflammatory response, raising your risk for gum disease, bleeding, and oral infection.

If you suffer from sinus problems, tell your dentist before your dental implant appointment. He or she may refer you back to your physician for further and evaluation of your sinuses. If your sinus infection is bacterial in nature, your doctor may recommend that you take antibiotics. If, however, your physician believes that your sinus infection is caused by a virus, antibiotics will not be recommended because they will do little to clear the infection. 


Diabetes, especially long-standing or poorly manged diabetes, can cause oral bleeding because of poor circulation. Not only can high levels of blood glucose lead to poor circulation in your legs, but it can also cause poor circulation in your mouth, leaving your gum tissue susceptible to capillary fragility and subsequent bleeding.

To reduce your risk for bleeding during dental procedures, make sure to take your prescribed diabetes medication, maintain a healthy weight, follow your therapeutic diet, and keep your scheduled appointments with your diabetes doctor. Before you undergo dental implant surgery, make sure that you have tight control over your blood sugar levels so that your risk for intra-operative bleeding is diminished.

If you are anticipating dental implant surgery, work with both your dentist and physician to develop a plan of care that will help ensure that your implant recovery period is uneventful and complication-free.
