How You Can Deal With Dental Anxiety

If you were to survey all people, going to the dentist likely wouldn't be at the top of their fun things to do list. If going to see your provider causes a level of fear or anxiety, you're not alone. As much as 15% of the adult population has some level of phobia when it comes to going to the dentist. There are ways you can ease these feelings to promote better oral health.

Speak Up

Don't be afraid to tell your provider that you have an issue with dental visits. When discussing your concerns, it's a good idea to go in-depth, such as telling them what exactly makes you uneasy about the process. For instance, is it the feeling that your privacy is being invaded or is it the fear of pain? Discussing these details helps the dental team cater their services for you to help keep you calm and relaxed.

Go to Your Happy Place

In the hours leading up to your appointment, try to go to your happy place. It might sound cliché, but stress and anxiety don't mesh well together. The more stressed you are, the greater your anxiety level. For example, if you have an early morning appointment, try to spend the night before doing an activity you enjoy, such as spending time with your family, going to see a movie or enjoying a nice relaxing bath. The less stressed you are, the better.

Bring Your Headphones with You

Bring your smartphone and your headphones with you. While sitting in the chair, you can listen to music, listen to your favorite podcast or even an audiobook. Whatever you desire, these things can all serve as a welcomed distraction and keep you calm. If you're using wireless headphones, make sure you discuss this with the provider team first as the interference they cause could impact the office equipment.

Ask Questions

For some people, the anxiety comes from the idea of not being in control or not knowing what's going on. You can calm your nerves by asking questions. When the provider picks up a new tool or begins a new procedure, don't hesitate to ask what they are doing. For instance, a tool might look painful or scary, but finding out it's simply a light can ease your concerns and make you more relaxed. Ask whatever you don't know.

These simple steps can improve your dental services office experience and help you work towards your oral health goals with greater ease. Relax and prepare for a more enjoyable visit. 
