For a lot of years, dental crowns have been the trusted way to restore a person's smile, whether they have issues with broken teeth, misshapen teeth, or something else. However, if this is a form of treatment your dentist is suggesting and you have no experience, you are bound to have some questions. Check out this list of common questions and answers most prospective patients have about dental crowns and you will feel much better about making a decision as to whether this is the right restorative dental treatment for you.
What exactly is a dental crown?
In essence, a dental crown is kind of like a cap for your tooth or perhaps even a helmet. This cap covers the damaged areas of the tooth so they do not deteriorate further. If you have a tooth that is cracked or chipped, just chewing food alone can be enough to cause the damage to further spread, for example, so a crown would become the protective cap to ward off more damage.
Wouldn't it be easier to just get a filling?
Fillings are also a trustworthy way to restore damaged teeth, but fillings only do so much and they don't offer much in the way of protection for the tooth and can only be used to fill small damaged areas. Dental crowns, on the other hand, are far more substantial as protection because the entire surface area of the tooth can be covered.
Why does the dentist usually seem so adamant about doing the crown right away?
A damaged tooth puts your mouth, smile, and other teeth in danger. The longer you have a damaged tooth, the more likely it will be that the tooth starts to decay or gets further damaged. Plus, having a damaged tooth can mean you naturally put more stress on other surrounding teeth when you chew. By having the dental crown placed as soon as possible, you avoid the potential of not being able to have the tooth crowned because the damage is too extensive.
How long do dental crowns last?
One of the greatest advantages of dental crowns is their longevity. You can have a tooth that is damaged in such a way that it would normally have to be extracted within a few years, and a crown can extend the life of the tooth far beyond that. The exact duration of a crown will be relative on the type of material used to create it, however. So it best to discuss with your dentist how long your personal crown options would last.
For dental crowns, contact an organization such as James V Bachman DMD.